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PubMed: Saving & Sharing

PubMed includes several features to help you save & share your search results. These can be found on your search results page directly beneath the search bar.

Screenshot pointing out options for saving and sharing search results


Save your results or a selection of results in the following formats:

  • Summary (text): .txt file of citations in AMA format.
  • PubMed: .txt file of citations in PubMed format.
  • PMID: .txt file with PMIDs of all citations.
  • Abstract (text): .txt file of citations with abstracts.
  • CSV: .csv file of citations.

Screenshot pointing out save button above search results


Email your results or a selection of results to yourself or a colleague. 

Screenshot pointing out email button above search results

Send to

Select from several options to further manage your results:

  • Clipboard: Save your citations for up to 8 hours while you conduct more searches.
  • My Bibliography: Send to your personal bibliography in My NCBI.
  • Collections: Save citations permanently in your My NCBI account.
  • Citation Manager: Export your citations in a format that can be imported into a citation manager such as EndNote.

Screenshot pointing out send to button above search results