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Levy Library Research Discovery: Place a Hold on an Item

Levy Library Hours


Most items that have been checked out may be placed on Hold as well as all circulating books in the Library collection. Once on Hold status, an item cannot be renewed. You will be notified when the material has been returned and you can then obtain it from the Service Desk. Please note that reserve items may not be placed on hold.

To place a hold on a library items, do the following:

1. Log into your Library Account from The Research Discovery catalog page.

Log into My Research Discovery Library Account



2. Search and find the item in in the catalog. Click on the Title to open up the full record details of the item.



3. Scroll down the record toward the "Get It" section of the Item record and then click on the Request link. Choose your Pick Up location and Pick Up Date in the pop up window. Click the Submit Form button.




4. Once you submit the hold request, you will see a confirmation message on the screen.
