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Visiting The Library: Mount Sinai Alumni

File:Mount Sinai hospital logo.png - Wikimedia CommonsThe Levy Library is pleased to offer Mount Sinai Alumni in person access to the Levy Library on the Mount Sinai Hospital campus to use our print and electronic resources by appointment.

Hours of Availability

Access is typically available by appointment during the following days and times*:

  • Monday - Friday  7:30am - 6:00pm

Schedule a Visit to the Levy Library File:OOjs UI icon newWindow-ltr.svg - Wikimedia Commons 

Scheduling your visit

Alumni members must submit a Levy Library Access Request Form to schedule a date and time to visit the Levy Library. After the form has been submitted, the requestor will be notified via email when their visit access request has been received and approved*. Please allow at least one business day for us to review and process your request. If you don’t receive the email, search your email folders (including spam) for “Levy Library Access Request” or ”Levy Library visit confirmation”. All approved visitors will then be added to the relevant library visitor access list(s). 

While we would prefer a lead time of 5 business days for all access requests, if you require to visit the library on the same day of your request, please submit the form and then contact the library directly at (212) 241-7791.

*Due to library space demands of the Mount Sinai community we may not be able to approve your requested visit date and/or time.

Prior to your visit

Alumni members are required to contact the Office of Alumni Relations to obtain a letter confirming alumni membership. You can contact the office at (646) 605-8816 or at

On the day of your visit
  • Print out or have a digital copy of the letter from the Office of Alumni Relations.

  • At the building entrance go to the Mount Sinai security desk and inform the security team that you have scheduled a visit at the Levy Library in the Annenberg building.

  •  You will need to present a government-issued photo ID card to the Mount Sinai screening team and will be provided with a visitor sticker that will allow you to gain entry onto the Mount Sinai Hospital campus. Library visitors are expected to follow all applicable Mount Sinai Health System  visitor and screening rules.

  • Proceed to the Annenberg building, 11th floor.

  • At the library entrance, outside the swipe gate, please announce yourself to the library staff or security guard with your name. The staff member or security guard will confirm your visit on our access list and will open the gate for you


Using the Library Spaces
  • We encourage library visitors to focus their visit on finding and accessing the resources needed as the library.

  • Library visitors can utilize the open seating areas within the 11th floor of the library when reviewing library resources, but are not allowed to reserve or use any library meeting pods, classrooms, labs, or group study rooms.


Using the Library Computers
  • All public workstations in the library computer area are available on a first come-first serve basis. 

  • Library visitors do not require a username or password to access library resources on the public workstations. To get started with accessing library resources, visitors can click on the link to the Levy Library website icon displayed on the desktop screen or enter the following URL into the browser: 

  • Printing is not available for library visitors, so we encourage library visitors to upload their downloaded items to a personal cloud storage platform or save items with the personal USB flash drive.

  • Library visitors can use the library scanner to scan physical items to send to a personal USB flash drive, Google Drive, or email address.


Mount Sinai Visitor Policies
  • A valid ID is required by Mount Sinai security when entering the Mount Sinai Hospital campus.

  • Library visitors are expected to follow all applicable Mount Sinai Health System  visitor and screening rules

  • Library visitors are required to wear a mask when in all public and clinical areas accessible to patients, but masking in non-clinical, non-public areas is optional. The Levy Library is listed as a non-clinical area.


Schedule a Visit to the Levy Library File:OOjs UI icon newWindow-ltr.svg - Wikimedia Commons