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Journal Selection and Identification: Home

This guide offers tips on how to select and identify potential journals to publish your research in.


silhouette of a woman sitting at a computer desk with her hand under her chin


Selecting a journal for publication depends largely on your goals. Do you want to:

  • Maximize prestige?
  • Minimize turnaround?
  • Maximize your audience?

If your main goal is to be published in the most prestigious publication for your topic, then you should compare impact factors using a database like Journal Citation Reports or PubsHub (both require a Mount Sinai login to access off-campus).

If it's to get published quickly, check PubsHub or go directly to the journal's website to check what their statistics are for average publication time, average time to complete peer review, or whether there is a pre-publication option available.

If it's to have your work read by as many people as possible, consider open access options by searching JANE or PubsHub. You can also see what promotional tools the publisher or journal offers, and you can also check PubsHub for circulation and/or readership statistics.



Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

Journal Selection and Identification: Tips and Tools