- Levy Library
- Levy Library Guides
- About
- Levy Library Policies and Guidelines
- Use of Library Facilities
Levy Library Policies and Guidelines: Use of Library Facilities
Library Use Policies and Guidelines
The Levy Library is committed to providing access to well-maintained collections, information resources, equipment, and associated research services. The library also seeks to provide a safe and secure environment and facilities suitable for reading, learning, and other activities associated with scholarly teaching and research.
The following library policies are is intended to ensure a respectful and productive environment for study and research for all users. These policies are applicable to all Library users and are enforceable by all Library staff.
Concerns, problems, or policy violations may be reported at a Library Circulation Services desk, any Library staff member, or you can contact the library team at refdesk@mssm.edu .
Library users found in violation of the Library Polices may be: asked to present identification to Library staff; subject to a search of backpacks or bags; directed to leave the premises; suspended from access to all Library facilities for a period of time; and reported to their respective department and Mount Sinai Security. Disciplinary or legal action may be taken in accordance with applicable federal, state, city, hospital, and school policies. Depending on the severity of the offense and the pattern of behavior, persons may be banned for extended periods such as one week, one year, or permanently; bans cover all Library locations and services.
It is expected that all members of the Icahn School of Medicine and the Mount Sinai Hospital System will uphold the following community standards for all library facilities and respect all the Library spaces, equipment, and staff.
Library users will:
- Comply with all Library policies.
- Use computers and online resources within the guidelines of the Library and the Mount Sinai Health System computer use policies.
- Present identification upon request.
- Leave buildings at closing, and limit use of the Library to authorized areas only.
- Respond to security gate alarms, emergency alarms, and other situations as instructed by Library staff.
Library users will not engage in prohibited activities, including, but not limited to:
- Exhibit any threatening or intimidating behaviors, e.g., abusive language, staring, threats of violence, or any type of harassment.
- Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful to self or others.
- Create any disturbances, e.g., disruptive noises, loud talking, audible electronic devices.
- Engage in any sexual activities including, but not limited to, unwanted or inappropriate touching, unwanted or inappropriate advances, harassment, or indecent exposure.
- Allow others to use their Mount Sinai credentials or network authentication.
- Violate copyright laws, including systematically downloading, printing, or disseminating content from Mount Sinai Health System Libraries electronic resources in violation of copyright laws.
- Deface or damage library materials including, but not limited to, underlining, highlighting, writing, or removing pages or security devices.
- Misuse, misappropriate, damage or deface Library furniture, buildings or equipment, including computer systems.
- Use Library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.
- Levy Library provides resources and study space for students, faculty, and staff of the Icahn School of Medicine and the Mount Sinai Health System. Access to Levy Library is also extended to certain affiliated groups. For more information, please review Access and Privileges.
- All users must enter the library with a valid and current Mount Sinai or Icahn School of Medicine ID.
- If your ID does not work, visit the Mount Sinai Security Office located in the lower level of the Guggenheim Pavilion.
- For security purposes, all students, faculty, staff, and visitors are required to wear their Mount Sinai issued identification badge at all times while in the library and must present identification when asked by a library staff member. Any person who does not have a Mount Sinai issued ID or affiliated ID, will be asked to leave the library.
- Professional and respectful behavior to staff and other library users, and compliance with policies, is expected at all times in the library. Violators will be brought to the attention of their appropriate department and/or Mount Sinai Security. The library staff reserves the right to ask anyone to leave who is disrupting the study atmosphere of the library or the work of other library users. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to creating excessive noise, harassment of others, and behavior that disturbs users or staff and interferes with the use of the facility. Please report disruptive behavior to the Circulation Services Desk.
- The after-hours individual study space on the 10th floor is available to currently enrolled students of the Icahn School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Mount Sinai, Mount Sinai house staff, residents, and fellows between the hours of 9:00PM - 6:00AM Monday through Friday and 24 hours on weekends. Library users who do not have after-hours door access will be asked to transition to the Library's 11th floor student spaces.
Levy Library offers a variety of study areas to support research and study. Users are expected to respect the rules of these study environments.
- Collaborative zone allow collaborative study and conversation.
- Quiet zone allow for individual or group study with minimal talking but no loud or extended conversations.
- Not talking zone is conducive to independent study free of distractions. Conversations, mobiles phones, and collaborative study are not permitted.
In all areas of the library, the following policies are enforced:
- Tables, carrels, and chairs must all be left in the designated area, clean, and ready for the next user.
- The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not leave personal belongings unattended at any time. In all cases, users are expected to be considerate of others in the library. Anyone leaving the premises for an extended period of time (longer than 20 minutes), may not "hold" a space by leaving their belongings unattended. In other words, claiming a space as your own and "camping out" is strictly prohibited. Library reserves the right to remove items that have been left unattended for more than 20 minutes or any unattended items that may be a potential safety or security risk. This includes but is not limited to unattended purses, backpacks, bags, carts, and luggage. All items removed by the library staff will be taken to security. Users can claim all lost items in the Mount Sinai Security Department located in the lower level of the Annenberg Building.
- Lying down or sleeping in any part of the library study area including but not limited to the computer stations, classrooms, couches, study rooms, floors and carrels is prohibited.
The Levy Library Food and Drink policy aims to maintain a clean and pleasant research and study environment for the Mount Sinai learning community and safeguard library spaces, equipment, and resources from damage. Library spaces include library computer workstations, classrooms, computer labs, meeting pods, and study rooms. Library staff may request that library users refrain from eating or leave the library if their eating is disturbing others. This policy may be changed without notice.
Beverages in spill-proof containers are allowed everywhere.
Snacking Allowed at Designated Tables in the Collaborative Zone: Library users are permitted to consume cold snacks only at tables designated with “Study with Snacks” sign. Food consumption in all other library spaces is not permitted.
Definition of Snacks: Snacks are small items that are typically consumed quickly and cleanly and have little or no odor. Examples include candy, energy bars, nuts, fruit or vegetable pieces, crackers, and yogurt.
User Responsibility: Library users dispose of trash and recyclables and clean up spills and crumbs. Cleaning supplies are available at the Service Desk. Please report major spills to library staff as soon as possible.
Meals Are Not Allowed: To maintain a clean environment for research and study, meals are prohibited in all library spaces. Please do not bring food trays, hot foods, or breakfast, lunch or dinner foods into the library. We recognize that there are limited spaces to eat meals on campus and encourage you to explore seating areas in the Guggenheim Pavilion near the Plaza Cafe and in the neighborhood.
Updated April 3, 2024
- Levy Library is a place for research and study, users are asked to reduce the level of noise caused by audio devices and any other intrusive sounds that are disruptive to other patrons.
- All mobile phones and pagers should be set to silent or vibrate.
- Phone calls and conversations are only allowed in the 11th floor elevator lobby or the 10th floor lobby.
- Library staff reserves the right to ask individuals who are using their mobile phone to finish any calls or conversations to leave the library.
- Headphones must be used to listen to recordings, music, videos with sound, etc. The volume should be kept low enough for only you to hear.
- Computers stations and connections to the wireless network are provided for school-related or work-related use, as well as for use of library electronic resources. Any viewing or downloading of pornography, overtly sexual materials, or any other materials that could be considered offensive or harassing to others is prohibited. Anyone who is caught in violation of this policy on either the library workstations or on personal devices within the library will be reported to their respected department and Mount Sinai Security and will be asked to leave the library.
- Levy Library classrooms, group study room, and computer labs can only be reserved and used by active ISMMS students, faculty, and staff and MSHS employees. A valid MSHS or ISMMS email address is required to reserve a library classroom or computer lab.
- Classrooms and computer labs must be reserved in advance for use to conduct formal training, formal examinations, collaborative group study and ISMMS/MSHS related meetings.
- No library room can be used to conduct ongoing office hours, hold commercial sales meetings, host a non-Mount Sinai related event, or host a department or personal party.
- Classrooms can be reserved by filling out a Room Request Form. For any special requests or questions about room reservations, please visit the ASCIT Support Center or contact ASCIT by email.
- Classrooms are available to reserve from 8:00am-8:00pm, Monday through Friday.
- Computer labs are available to reserve from 8:00am-11:50pm, Monday through Friday; Saturday 10:00am-10:00pm; and Sunday 12:00pm-10:00pm.
- All chairs, tables, and classroom equipment must be returned to their designated area, clean and ready for the next event.
- Users must be present in the room while using it.
- Anything written on a white board(s) must be erased in preparation for the next reservation. Keep copies of any diagrams or notes that you put on the board.
- Personal belongings may not be left unattended.
- The library staff reserves the right to remove any personal items that have been left unattended for an extended period of time from the classrooms.
- Any items of value left in the classroom will be brought to the Mount Sinai Security Department.
- The library is not responsible for any personal belongings.
- Library rooms are not soundproof; users need to maintain a study/work environment that does not disturb others in the Library.
- Excessive noise causing a continuing disturbance in other library spaces will be grounds for the immediate cancelation of the room reservation.
- Computer terminals and monitors must remined plugged in and powered on at all times.
Version 1.2020 - updated January 2020.