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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning and Discovery

Monthly Roundup on Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Learning: July 2024

by Carrie Levinson on 2024-08-01T09:15:00-04:00 in Artificial Intelligence, Education | 0 Comments

Every month, our AI blog provides a selection of literature on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Here’s the roundup for July 2024:

Aoun JE. How higher ed can adapt to the challenges of AI. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Jul 1. Available from:  

Excerpt: “We have reached a moment of reckoning about what artificial intelligence means for the human experience. This is a moment of reckoning, too, for higher education. It’s not enough for colleges merely to transfer knowledge and skills to AI’s future programmers and stewards. Colleges have a pivotal role to play in preparing all students for life with AI, and advancing human well-being in a digital world.” 

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article. 

Steere E. Anatomy of an AI essay. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 2. Available from:  

Excerpt: “How might you distinguish one from a human-composed counterpart? After analyzing dozens, Elizabeth Steere lists some key, rather predictable features.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Robert J. AI is here to stay, these are the questions we now need to ask ourselves. European University Association [Internet]. 2024 Jul 2. Available from:

Excerpt: "The rapid proliferation of AI tools is just one part of an ongoing era of global digital transformation. What actions can we take to create the digital future we want to see?"

Schroeder R. AI reshapes higher ed and society at large by 2035. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 3. Available from: 

Excerpt: “There are important steps to be taken in higher education as we prepare for the deep societywide changes that will take place in the next five to 10 years.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

McMurtie B. Teaching: Getting in sync with students about AI. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Jul 5. Available from:  

Excerpt: “This week, I: Describe one instructor’s approach to careful AI use in teaching; Point you to a study that sheds light on the effectiveness of co-teaching; Share stories and essays on teaching you may have missed.” 

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article. 

Coffey L. Renowned tech analyst urges higher ed leadership in AI. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 8. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Universities require a ‘mindset change’ to succeed in a coming era forged by artificial intelligence and should take on an AI leadership role in partnership with government and tech firms, according to a report from an influential tech analyst and venture capitalist.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Warner J. Calling B.S. on the AI education future. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 9. Available from: 

Excerpt: “The report itself is a cobbling together of various data points—primarily about how much data can now be harnessed by technology (lots!)—along with confident suppositions about the future (not present) capabilities of generative AI applications, turned into a call to arms to embrace inevitable innovation.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Walters A. ‘A professor’s digital mini-me'. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Jul 10. Available from: 

Excerpt: “But, the TA, powered by artificial intelligence, then forgets what it was talking about and instead explains how much can be learned by mixing baking soda and vinegar. This fall, a small group of professors at Morehouse College will use these TAs, which are actually digital avatars resembling each professor’s physical appearance and demeanor.” 

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article. 

Quinn R. Bridging the campus divide with ‘dangerous ideas’ and AI debate moderators. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 16. Available from: 

Excerpt: “In this polarized time, one assistant professor is teaching students to argue more constructively about the most contentious topics: abortion, guns, transracial identities, moral obligations to animals—even the existence of God.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Watson CE & Bowen JA. Opinion: What teachers call AI cheating, leaders in the workforce might call progress. The Hechinger Report [Internet]. 2024 Jul 16. Available from: 

Excerpt: “Authors of a new guide explore what AI literacy might look like in a new era.” 

Schroeder R. The synthetic professor. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 18. Available from:  

Excerpt: “We have reached a point in the development of generative AI that synthetic AI professors are poised to enter academe.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Staiman A. Woefully insufficient publisher policies on author AI use put research integrity at risk. 2024 Jul 22. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from: 

Excerpt: “There is broad consensus in scholarly publishing that AI tools will make the task of ensuring the integrity of the scientific record a Herculean task. However, it seems that many publishers are still struggling to figure out how to address the new issues and challenges that these AI tools present. Current publisher policies fall well short of providing a robust framework for assessing the risk of different AI tools and researchers are left guessing how they should use AI in their research and subsequent writing.” 

Potter W. An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ knowledge. The Conversation [Internet]. 2024 Jul 23. Available from:  

Excerpt: “In May, a multibillion-dollar UK-based multinational called Informa announced in a trading update that it had signed a deal with Microsoft involving “access to advanced learning content and data, and a partnership to explore AI expert applications”. Informa is the parent company of Taylor & Francis, which publishes a wide range of academic and technical books and journals, so the data in question may include the content of these books and journals. According to reports published last week, the authors of the content do not appear to have been asked or even informed about the deal. What’s more, they say they had no opportunity to opt out of the deal, and will not see any money from it.” 

Coffey L. Majority of grads wish they’d been taught AI in college. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 23. Available from: 

Excerpt: “A new survey shows 70 percent of graduates think generative AI should be incorporated into courses. More than half said they felt unprepared for the workforce.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Carpenter TA. A look under the hood of Scopus AI: An interview with Maxim Khan. 2024 Jul 25. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from: 

Excerpt: The author interviews the leader of the team that developed Scopus AI on its functions, ethical implications, and the technology underpinning it. 

Coffey L. Students and professors believe AI will aid cheating. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 29. Available from:  

Excerpt: “A new survey finds students believe it’s already easier to cheat, thanks to generative artificial intelligence—and instructors think it will get worse in coming years.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Hinchcliffe LJ. AI-Enabled transformation of information objects into learning objects. 2024 Jul 30. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:  

Excerpt: “The past year has seen remarkable development in the AI-enabled services embedded in information tools across the scholarly communications industry. Looking at library-licensed content and tools, AI is powering a wide range of services for our users.” 

Schroeder R. Our responsibility to teach AI to students. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jul 31. Available from:

Excerpt: "Put aside your concerns about student use of generative AI in your classes. It is our urgent responsibility to teach students now how to use the technology in their discipline—their careers depend on us."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

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