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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning and Discovery

Monthly Roundup on Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Learning: August 2024

by Carrie Levinson on 2024-09-02T09:30:00-04:00 in Artificial Intelligence, Education | 0 Comments

Every month, our AI blog provides a selection of literature on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. With some bonus resources added, here’s the roundup for August 2024:

New Resources: 

The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) has issued a new resource to assist the research community in understanding how NIH policies guide artificial intelligence (AI)-related research.  The purpose of the resource is to illustrate the applicability of existing policies and guidance to research involving AI technologies. The resource can be accessed at:

To gain further perspective how NIH is approaching AI-related research, please see the latest Under the Poliscope blog from NIH Associate Director for Science Policy, Dr. Lyric Jorgenson. 

JAMIA: ChatGPT and Large Language Models in Biomedicine and Health. A special journal issue available at:  

EDUCAUSE Showcase Series: AI...Friend or Foe? A set of tools and resources discussing the implementation of artificial intelligence in higher education. Available at:

Monthly Roundup:

Lee VR, Pope D, Miles S, Zárate RC. Cheating in the age of generative AI: A high school survey study of cheating behaviors before and after the release of ChatGPT. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. 2024 Dec 1;7:100253.  

Excerpt: “The public release of ChatGPT and other generative AI chatbot technologies has been accompanied by questions about how academic integrity and student cheating behaviors will be impacted. We analyzed anonymous survey data from three high schools to see if self-reported cheating numbers changed following the introduction of ChatGPT and similar technologies.” 

McMurtrie B. Teaching: When AI is everywhere, what should instructors do next? The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 1. Available from:  

Excerpt: “This week, I: Share insights from a conference on teaching with artificial intelligence; Point you to some resources on AI; Tell you how to stay up to date on the latest anti-DEI bills.”  

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.   

Warner J. Not so fast on teaching AI ‘skills’. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 1. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Preparing students for the future means thinking deeply about the questions new technologies raise.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.   

Palmer K. Oxford University Press ‘actively working’ with AI companies. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 5. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Oxford University Press has become the latest academic publisher to confirm it is working with companies developing AI tools.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.   

Quinn R. Otter AI catches Yale researchers insulting interviewee. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 6. Available from:  

Excerpt: “A group that opposes the number of addiction treatment programs in the Harlem neighborhood in New York City says artificial intelligence transcription software recorded two Yale University researchers insulting one of its leaders right after interviewing him—and the software then sent him the audio and a transcript.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.   

Hausmann C. How to get actionable AI data at your institution. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 6. Available from: 

Excerpt: “Academia is abuzz about the impact of generative artificial intelligence on student learning. Opinions are abundant, but without credible and relevant markers of what’s going on, it’s hard to discern who has an accurate read or what constitutes good advice.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Coffey L. Use AI to build course materials? Earn $1,000. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 9. Available from: 

Excerpt: “In a new pilot project, faculty are encouraged to use generative artificial intelligence to create, or build on, open educational resources.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Rowsell J. Students worry overemphasis on AI could devalue education. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 9. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Report stresses that AI is ‘new standard’ and universities need to better communicate policies to learners. 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Schroeder R. AI in a lingering age of loneliness among students. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 14. Available from: 

Excerpt: “The COVID-19 pandemic brought about greater awareness of an even larger epidemic, one of loneliness in America. In higher education, it is incumbent on us to help our learners with overcoming the pain and other ill-effects of this condition.” 

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Fang B. & Broussard K. Augmented course design: Using AI to boost efficiency and expand capacity. Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Aug 7. Available from:

Excerpt: "The emerging class of generative AI tools has the potential to significantly alter the landscape of course development."

Gibney E. Has your paper been used to train an AI model? Almost certainly. Nature News [Internet]. 2024 Aug 14. Available from:

Excerpt: "Artificial-intelligence developers are buying access to valuable data sets that contain research papers — raising uncomfortable questions about copyright."

Watkins M. Why we should normalize open disclosure of AI use. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 14. Available from:

Excerpt: "It’s time we reclaim faculty-student trust through clear advocacy — not opaque surveillance."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

McMurtie B. Teaching: Using AI tools to develop critical-thinking skills. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 15. Available from:

Excerpt: "This week, I: Describe one professor’s experience teaching with AI; point you to resources to help prime your teaching for fall."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Gonzalez L, O'Neil-Gonzalez K, Eberhardt-Alstot M, McGarry M, Van Tyne G. Leveraging generative AI for inclusive excellence in higher education. Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Aug 15. Available from:

Excerpt: "Drawing from three lenses of inclusion, this article considers how to leverage generative AI as part of a constellation of mission-centered inclusive practices in higher education."

Dawson D. Author rights in the age of generative AI. University of Saskatchewan News [Internet]. 2024 Aug 20. Available from:

Excerpt: "If publishers hold exclusive rights to your work, they have the authority to license it for various uses, including AI training, and financially benefit from these deals. If this concerns you, then take action to retain control over your works. Here are some steps academic authors can take..."

Lee SM. AI scientists have a problem: AI bots are reviewing their work. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 21. Available from:

Excerpt: "AI is upending peer review, the time-honored tradition in which academics help judge which research should be elevated to publication — and which should go in the reject pile. Under the specter of ChatGPT, no one can be sure anymore that their intellectual labor is being read and judged by humans."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Coffey L. Struggling to create AI policies? Ask your students. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 22. Available from:

Excerpt: "A professor at Florida International University tasked her students with devising an ethical guide to using AI in their classes—and found them to be stricter than she would have been."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Hall S. In teaching with gen AI, consider sustainability. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 22. Available from:

Excerpt: "Faculty lack information about generative AI’s environmental impacts, and universities should prioritize sustainable computing..."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

Bousquette I. Inside universities’ love-hate relationship with ChatGPT. Wall Street Journal [Internet]. 2024 Aug 26. Available from:

Excerpt: "OpenAI continues to expand some of its educational offerings, while holding others—including a tool that could be used to detect cheating—back."

Swaak T. The AI hiring spree. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 26. Available from:

Excerpt: "Colleges face stiff competition as they face to build faculties with expertise."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Lehr SA, Caliskan A, Liyanage S, Banaji MR. ChatGPT as research scientist: Probing GPT’s capabilities as a research librarian, research ethicist, data generator, and data predictor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 Aug 27;121(35):e2404328121.

Excerpt: "How good a research scientist is ChatGPT? We systematically probed the capabilities of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 across four central components of the scientific process: as a Research Librarian, Research Ethicist, Data Generator, and Novel Data Predictor, using psychological science as a testing field."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Raymond C. AI and the Case for Project-Based Teaching. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Aug 27. Available from:

Excerpt: "In the age of ChatGPT, faculty members have no choice but to adjust course design from a focus on 'what' to 'why.'"

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Nature Editorial Staff. AI firms must play fair when they use academic data in training. Nature [Internet]. 2024 Aug 27. Available from:

Excerpt: "Researchers are among those who feel uneasy about the unrestrained use of their intellectual property in training commercial large language models. Firms and regulators need to agree the rules of engagement. "

Coffey L. Can AI be used to cheat on multiple-choice exams? Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Aug 30. Available from:

Excerpt: "A Florida State professor found a way to catch AI cheating on multiple-choice tests. He also found that ChatGPT got a lot of “easy” questions wrong."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles. 

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