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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning and Discovery

Monthly Roundup on Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Learning: June 2024

by Carrie Levinson on 2024-07-01T10:00:00-04:00 in Artificial Intelligence, Education | 0 Comments

By Carrie Levinson, MSLIS

Every month, our AI blog provides a selection of literature on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Here’s the roundup for June 2024:

Zhou H & Bishtawi H. Towards conversational discovery: New discovery applications for scholarly information in the era of generative artificial intelligence. 2024 Jun 4. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: “Whether you believe artificial intelligence is friend or foe, it’s undoubtedly changing many aspects of how we work, including the way we discover content, information, and knowledge. In our first post exploring AI and information discovery, we discussed the evolution of AI, and how it can potentially be applied to solve pain points for researchers and publishers alike. Here, we explore generative AI (GenAI).”

Hibbert M, Altman E, Shippen T, Wright M. A framework for AI literacy. Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Jun 3. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Academic and technologies teams at Barnard College developed an AI literacy framework to provide a conceptual foundation for AI education and programming efforts in higher education institutional contexts.”

University of Waterloo. Know your source: RAGE tool unveils ChatGPT’s sources. Waterloo News [Internet]. 2024 Jun 4. Available from:  

Excerpt: “New software helps users understand where large language models get their information and whether their sources are trustworthy”.

Pike D, McGowin B, Bond A, Cox L II, Williams D. Framing generative AI in education with the GenAI intent and orientation model. Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Jun 6. Available from:  

Excerpt: “The proposed model seeks to assist instructors and learners with a framing lens for how GenAI might be useful in educational settings.”

Lieberman L. AI and the death of student writing. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Jun 7. Available from:

Excerpt: “It was getting toward the end of this recent semester, and I was at a loss. Either one of two things was happening: My freshman-composition students’ writing had gotten mysteriously, miraculously, markedly better over the semester compared with previous ones, or a large minority — easily one-third — of them were using AI to write their papers.”

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Kajiwara Y, Kawabata K. AI literacy for ethical use of chatbot: Will students accept AI ethics? Computers and education: Artificial intelligence. 2024;6.

Excerpt: “In AI literacy education, there are few examples of education based on AI ethical principles, and limited knowledge exists regarding curriculum design that incorporates AI ethical principles and its effects. Therefore, in this study, we propose a curriculum that teaches the ethical use of large language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT and verify its impact on educational effectiveness and technology acceptance among students aged 12 to 24.”  

Viswanath K. Three things to know about prompting LLMs. MIT Sloan Management Review [Internet]. 2024 Jun 10. Available from:

Excerpt: “These research-backed tips can help you improve your prompting strategies for better results from large language models.”

Coffey L. Inside Barnard’s pyramid approach to AI literacy. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 11. Available from:

Excerpt: “The New York institution’s unusual take on artificial intelligence could serve as a blueprint for others grappling with implementation.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Warner J. No, AI should not be a student’s co-pilot. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 13. Available from:

Excerpt: “Treating AI as a co-pilot is tempting, but in learning, the bigger temptation is for students to use it as a subcontractor, and that’s not good.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Latham S. Memo to faculty: AI is not your friend. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 14. Available from:

Excerpt: “While compelling arguments can be made relative to efficiency and AI, more direct commentaries are satirically asking if we need faculty altogether. Now is the time faculty need to ask big questions, and not just jump on the AI bandwagon.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Coffey L. AI can help student success but officials need guidance. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 17. Available from:  

Excerpt: “A majority of student success directors, administrators and advisers say artificial intelligence (AI) can help identify students in need of support, but almost no institutions are creating streamlined approaches to use AI technology, a new report finds.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Amer P. Is your AI hallucinating? New approach can tell when chatbots make things up. Science [Internet]. 2024 Jun 19. Available from:  

Excerpt: “As users of chatbots and answer engines powered by ChatGPT and Google Gemini have discovered, artificial intelligence (AI) sometimes churns out gibberish in response to seemingly basic queries. It will even double down on incorrect responses when questioned or reprompted.”

Nogueira LA, Rein JO. Guest post — Chatbots: To cite or not to cite? (Part I). 2024 Jun 19. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:  

Excerpt: “If you use a chatbot in writing a text, and are discouraged from listing it as a coauthor, should you attribute the relevant passages to the tool via citation instead? Is it appropriate to cite chatbots as information sources?”

Nogueira LA, Rein JO. Guest post — The case for not citing chatbots as information sources (Part II). 2024 Jun 20. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:  

Excerpt: “In Part I of Chatbots: To Cite Or Not To Cite? our guest authors explored the context of citation and information sources and how Generative AI fits in. Today, they continue to develop their arguments toward a conclusion.”

Bedford J. Guest post: AI meets academia—Navigating the new terrain. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 20. Available from:

Excerpt: “The idea of universities ‘embracing’ AI technology has been met with justified concerns about students’ critical-thinking skills and whether they’ll develop an over-reliance on these tools. When ChatGPT shut down briefly this month, there was a flurry of concerned posts on X (formerly Twitter) which could be a sign of things to come. But one thing is certain: There is a growing divide amongst educators on whether AI should have any place at all in the lives of university students.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Schroeder R. Higher education has not been forgotten by generative AI. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 20. Available from:  

Excerpt: “The generative AI (GenAI) revolution has not ignored higher education; a whole host of tools are available now and more revolutionary tools are on the way.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

McMurtie B. Teaching: Are you drowning in an ocean of AI? The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Jun 20. Available from:  

Excerpt: “This week, I: Share my latest story on what’s happening in the classroom with AI; Point you to some resources to discourage AI misuse by students; Point you to strategies that incorporate AI use in teaching.”

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Webb M. AI and Jisc’s leadership survey. Jisc: Artificial Intelligence [Internet]. 2024 Jun 21. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Each year at Jisc we run a leadership survey, which is sent to leaders in HE and FE, with responses from vice-chancellors and principals, technology and library strategic leaders and more.  The latest was sent during the spring of this year. The survey asks several questions about the perception of Jisc and our services, the challenges our members face, and, this year, dived into AI in more detail.”

Grove J. British academics despair as ChatGPT-written essays swamp grading season. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 21. Available from:

Excerpt: “The increased prevalence of students using ChatGPT to write essays should prompt a rethink about whether current policies encouraging 'ethical' use of artificial intelligence (AI) are working, scholars have argued. With marking season in full flow, lecturers have taken to social media in large numbers to complain about AI-generated content found in submitted work.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Coffey L. Murky guidelines on using AI recording devices in classrooms. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 24. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Concerns about privacy and access mount as more colleges and students use the devices. Experts say the technology should be embraced using “common-sense” guidelines.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Coffey L. A new digital divide: Student AI use surges, leaving faculty behind. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 25. Available from:  

Excerpt: “While both students and faculty have concerns with generative artificial intelligence, two new reports show a divergence in AI adoption.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Owston R. Personalized AI tutoring as a social activity: Paradox or possibility? Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Jun 12. Available from:

Excerpt: “Can the paradox between individual tutoring and social learning be reconciled though the possibility of AI?”

Riyeff J. Generative AI and the problem of (dis)trust. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Jun 27. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Instead of seeing this inaccuracy as something I could flag for the student to return to or to talk with me about, I had the sinking feeling that maybe what I’d been reading for a page and a half already was synthetic text extruded from a chat bot rather than the textual representation of the ideas of a young woman whom I knew and had shared a university seminar room with twice a week.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

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