Statistics & Data Science Resources: SAS Resources
SAS Tutorials
- SAS e-learning from SAS companyThis quick-start guide is for new SAS users who are programmers or have a programming background. You'll learn the essentials to get you up and running with SAS as quickly as possible.
- SAS Tutorials from UCLAThis tutorial is created by Academic Technology Services in UCLA. It covers from introductory to advanced SAS programming as well as statistical analysis
Where is SAS software available?
SAS software is available on all the public computers in Levy Library. More information about accessing library computers for statistical software is available on our Computing guide.
Departments can also purchase SAS or SPSS software from Academic IT Support Center's Site License Software page.
Student and personal purchases of SPSS can be made at the eStore. You must register with your MSSM email address to receive the academic discount on SPSS. There are several versions of SPSS available to choose from.
SAS E-Books
Biostatistics and Computer-Based Analysis of Health Data Using SAS by
ISBN: 9780081011713Publication Date: 2017-06-22SAS Programming and Data Visualization Techniques by
ISBN: 9781484205693Publication Date: 2015-08-13Statistical Hypothesis Testing with SAS and R by A comprehensive guide to statistical hypothesis testing with examples in SAS and R When analyzing datasets the following questions often arise: Is there a short hand procedure for a statistical test available in SAS or R? If so, how do I use it? If not, how do I program the test myself? This book answers these questions and provides an overview of the most common statistical test problems in a comprehensive way, making it easy to find and perform an appropriate statistical test. A general summary of statistical test theory is presented, along with a basic description for each test, including the necessary prerequisites, assumptions, the formal test problem and the test statistic. Examples in both SAS and R are provided, along with program code to perform the test, resulting output and remarks explaining the necessary program parameters. Key features: * Provides examples in both SAS and R for each test presented. * Looks at the most common statistical tests, displayed in a clear and easy to follow way. * Supported by a supplementary website featuring example program code. Academics, practitioners and SAS and R programmers will find this book a valuable resource. Students using SAS and R will also find it an excellent choice for reference and data analysis.
ISBN: 9781118762615Publication Date: 2014-01-09