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Evidence Based Medicine: Evidence Alert Services

An overview on evidence based medicine (EBM) including resources and training materials

Evidence Alert Services

Evidence alert services provide the following benefits:

  1. Review articles published in dozens of top journals to identify the articles which are most likely to have an impact on clinical practice
  2. Rate the articles based on quality and clinical relevance to over a dozen clinical specialties and subspecialities
  3. Allow users to sign up for email alerts tailored to the user's specialties, interests and the frequency with which they want to receive alerts.

It's easy to select and update which specialties you want to receive email alerts for, so you can change the alerts you receive as you move through different clerkships.

Service Access # of Journals Covered
Evidence Alerts Free to all 127
ACP JournalWise Free for ACP members only.  ACP offers free student memberships. 120
NEJM Journal Watch Free to the ISMMS community via Levy Library's subscription. 250