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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning and Discovery

Monthly Roundup on Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Learning: October 2024

by Carrie Levinson on 2024-11-01T09:10:00-04:00 in Artificial Intelligence and Human Health, Education | 0 Comments

Every month, our AI blog provides a selection of literature on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Here’s the roundup for October 2024:

Swaak T. Colleges see alarming rates of fake applications. So they’re turning to AI. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 1. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Fraudulent admissions applications are routine for Ron Weist. On a particularly busy day recently, Weist said, fraudsters sent 80 fake applications to Prince George’s Community College, in Maryland — one every seven minutes for a couple of hours. But that number seems less daunting than it might have just a few years ago. That’s because Weist, the college’s customer-relationship management (CRM) administrator, is now catching most of those bad actors on the front end, screening them out with technology supported by artificial intelligence.”

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Watkins M. Make AI part of the assignment. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 2. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Learning requires friction. Here’s how to get students to disclose and evaluate their own usage of tools like ChatGPT.”

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Mowreader A. Employers say students need AI skills. What if students don’t want them? Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 10. Available from:

Excerpt: "Colleges and universities are considering new ways to incorporate generative AI into teaching and learning, but not every student is on board with the tech yet. Experts weigh in on the necessity of AI in career preparation and higher education’s role in preparing students for jobs of the future."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

McMurtrie B. The future is hybrid. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 3. Available from:

Excerpt: "Colleges begin to reimagine learning in an AI world."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship. Defining Open Source AI: Current Conversations within the Academic Community. 2024 Oct 3. Available from:

Excerpt: "The Open Source Initiative (OSI), a California public benefit corporation and not-for-profit community of technology experts, recently published the Open Source AI Definition – draft v. 0.0.9. The definition centers on the importance of AI systems that can be used, modified, and shared for any purpose, and studied and inspected transparently."

Bradley D. Those voices on the podcast? Listen closely. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 4. Available from:

Excerpt: "The voices appear in the opening minutes of a “podcast” generated by Google’s NotebookLM, an experimental AI tool that promises to help students succeed by turning their notes, readings, and class materials into easily digestible snippets."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Kugler L. Who owns AI's output? Communications of the ACM [Internet]. 2024 Oct 4. Available from:

Excerpt: "Copyright and patent protections around generative AI are chaotic and changing rapidly."

Venkitachalam KK. Guest post — Overcoming skepticism through experimentation: The role of AI in transforming peer review. 2024 Oct 9. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: "Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides across various domains, yet one critical area within academic publishing remains hesitant: peer review. This foundational system, integral to the advancement of knowledge, lags behind in adopting technological means to improve itself. While concerns about integrating AI into peer review are valid, it is essential to explore how experimentation with AI can address existing challenges and enhance the process."

Gillen AL. Can we trust AI in qualitative research? Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 9. Available from:

Excerpt: "While AI can emulate the pattern finding of qualitative research in social science, it lacks an identifiable human perspective. This matters because in qualitative work it’s important to articulate the investigator’s positionality—how the researcher connects to the research—to promote trust in the findings."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

DeVaney J. Off-loading in the age of generative AI. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 10. Available from:

Excerpt: "As we embrace these technologies, we must also consider the experiences we need to discover and maintain our connections—and our humanity. In a world increasingly shaped by AI, I find myself asking: What are the experiences that define us, and how do they influence the relationships we build, both professionally and personally?"

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Schroeder R. ChatGPT-4o shows ‘friendly’ behavior. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 10. Available from:

Excerpt: "The app initiates personalized conversations and offers responses without a prompt. This signals a shift toward agentic AI, where models act more like colleagues."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

McMurtrie B. Subject: Teaching: How does equity fit into the next phase of AI? Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 10. Available from:

Excerpt: "This week, I: Share what some colleges are doing to take the AI discussion to the next level; Ask for your stories on what you like about teaching Gen Z; Share a reader’s example of how he connected with students."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Schonfeld RC. Tracking the licensing of scholarly content to LLMs. 2024 Oct 15. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: "In recent months, several publishers have announced that they are licensing their scholarly content for use as training data for LLMs (Large Language Models). These deals illuminate how major publishers are grappling with their strategy amid uncertainty, but thus far they have been unavailable to smaller and medium size publishers. To understand the dynamics around this fast-developing market, my colleagues Maya Dayan and Dylan Ruediger and I are launching a tracker of these licensing deals."

Munoz R. The problem with “perfect” answers: GenAI and academic research tools. Educause Review [Internet]. 2024 Oct 15. Available from:

Excerpt: "The intersection of web search and artificial intelligence creates a curious dilemma for new generations of students."

Palmer K. Most campus tech leaders say higher ed is unprepared for AI’s rise. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 16. Available from:

Excerpt: "Inside Higher Ed’s third annual survey of campus chief technology officers shows that while there’s enthusiasm for artificial intelligence’s potential to enhance higher education, most institutions don’t have policies that support enterprise-level uses of AI."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Varnum K. Guest post: Exploring the “hopes and fears” about generative artificial intelligence in web scale discovery. 2024 Oct 17. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: "The reliability of GenAI tools to provide valid, repeatable, and consistent responses is one area of concern. Reports of the worst-case outcomes, such as a tool’s potential to “hallucinate” or “confabulate” (making up information that is not, in fact based in reality) can extend to information in text or the creation of citations that appear to be valid but are not. The amazing capability of some of these tools to build models based on vast amounts of input can mean that there is little or no understanding, even by experts in artificial intelligence, about how a particular query leads to an answer."

Gehrman E. How generative AI is transforming medical education. Harvard Medicine [Internet]. 2024 Oct. Available from:

Excerpt: The article discusses the incorporation of artificial intelligence into one medical school's curriculum.

Warner J. Avoiding AI snake oil. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 18. Available from:

Excerpt: "Two new books offer cautionary tales about the past and present of AI in education."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Justus Z & Janos N. Your AI policy is already obsolete. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2024 Oct 22. Available from:

Excerpt: "The increasing integration of AI tools into existing platforms raises new challenges."

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Lauillard D. How AI-generated feedback could assist student learning. 2024 Oct 22. In: Higher Education Policy Institute. Blog [Internet]. Oxford, England: Higher Education Policy Institute. Available from:

Excerpt: "If the AI community had ever asked teachers in higher education what we need from them, we would very definitely not have asked for a technology that makes it easy for students to deliver second-rate essays with a lot of factual errors. That is what they provided – unleashing a desperate collective action by teachers now having to learn for themselves, and then teach students, how to use these deficient tools, and develop the skills that will probably be redundant within just a few years."

Battersby M. Wiley launches artificial intelligence programme 'to shape AI rather than be shaped by it'. The Bookseller [Internet]. 2024 Oct 21. Available from:

Excerpt: "Academic publisher Wiley is starting an artificial intelligence (AI) partnership programme, in a bid to 'shape the AI world and AI future, as opposed to being shaped by it'."

McMurtrie B. Subject: Teaching: How some professors are using AI for role-playing. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 24. Available from:

Excerpt: "This week, I: Share how two instructors have students use AI chatbots to help with learning; Discuss how friction and fun factor into learning, and how AI can help or hurt that process.

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Bergstrom T & Ruediger D. Guest post — How generative AI could transform scholarly publishing: Themes and reflections from interviews with industry leaders. 2024 Oct 30. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: "Over the past 24 months, generative AI has become inescapable. As a tool that is capable of generating content, its implications for how scholarly research is conducted and for scholarly publishing and communication are potentially transformative. What is not yet clear is how transformative this impact will be, and which areas of scholarly communication may see more rapid and revolutionary change than others."

Darby F. 5 small steps for AI skeptics. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2024 Oct 30. Available from:

Excerpt: "Getting academics to teach with tools like ChatGPT is proving to be a tough nut to crack."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

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