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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning and Discovery

Monthly Roundup on Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Learning: December 2023

by Carrie Levinson on 2024-01-02T09:12:50-05:00 in Artificial Intelligence, Education | 0 Comments

By Carrie Levinson, MSLIS

Every month, our AI blog will provide a selection of literature on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Here’s the roundup for December 2023:

Kaufman R, Carpenter TA, Michael A. Ask the chefs: The US Executive Order on artificial intelligence. 2023 Dec 4. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:

Excerpt: “On October 30, the Biden Administration issued an Executive Order on “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.”...We asked the Scholarly Kitchen Chefs for their thoughts on the Executive Order.”

Olejnik M. AI won’t replace writing instruction. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2023 Dec 8. Available from:  

Excerpt: “...I’m here to tell you, based on decades of writing studies research paired with what we know from learning theory, that AI is not going to ruin or replace writing. We don’t need to—and shouldn’t—eliminate writing classes or instruction because of AI...”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

Leitch S. Guest post — Food for thought: What are we feeding LLMs, and how will this impact humanity? 2023 Dec 11. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:  

Excerpt: "Artificial intelligence and large language models have the potential to change, even disrupt, every aspect of scholarly publishing, from how infrastructure and platforms are developed to how content is discovered, used, and licensed."

Mitchell-Yellin B. Why you shouldn’t use ChatGPT. Inside Higher Ed [Internet]. 2023 Dec 8. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Many people in higher education are experimenting with new tools such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, and opinions tend toward the extremes: they are seen as either an unmitigated blessing or a curse. Yet there are some important implications of this new technology that have not been fully appreciated.”

Note: Create a free account on the Inside Higher Ed site to access articles.

McMurtie B., Supiano B. ChatGPT has changed teaching. Our readers tell us how. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec 11. Available from:  

Excerpt: “To get a detailed look at what is happening AI-wise in classrooms across the country, The Chronicle asked readers to describe the fall semester. We wanted to know if professors had studied up on generative AI, altered what or how they taught, and talked with their students about these new technologies.”

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.

Pfeiffer D. What (else else) to read about ChatGPT. 2023 Dec 11. In: Choice. LibTech Insights [Internet]. Middletown, CT: Choice. Available from:  

Excerpt: “...I put together a follow-up to a follow-up to my original “What to Read about ChatGPT” post. Here are a few stories that I think librarians and other academics should take note of.”

Hardinges J, Simperl E, Shadbolt N. We must fix the lack of transparency around the data used to train foundation models. Harvard Data Science Review [Internet]. 2023 Dec 13. Available from:

Excerpt: "Access to information about the data used to train foundation AI models is vital for many tasks. Despite progress made by sections of the AI community, there remains a general lack of transparency about the content and sources of training datasets. Whether the result of voluntary initiative by firms or regulatory intervention, this has to change."

Michael A. Fortune Brainstorm AI Conference: Themes and ideas. 2023 Dec 20. In: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Scholarly Kitchen [Internet]. Mount Laurel, NJ: Society for Scholarly Publishing. Available from:  

Excerpt: “Talk of AI is everywhere. It’s easy to get lost in extreme thoughts and near religious experiences when it comes to what AI could do and what we should do about it. If you wade in too deep, it’s easy to get pulled under by the current.”

McMurtie B. Teaching: How ChatGPT has shaped teaching — so far. The Chronicle of Higher Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec 21. Available from:

Excerpt: " As we’ve been reporting throughout the year, generative AI has thrown higher education into a tumult: raising questions about whether the take-home essay is dead and if professors should rethink how they teach and assess students....Here are a few quick takeaways..."

Note: Login when prompted with your Mount Sinai email and password to access full article.


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