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Introducing Dynamic Health, an Evidence-Based Database for Nurses

by Linda Paulls on 2024-09-04T14:39:00-04:00 in Evidence Based Practice, Nursing, Resource Spotlight | 0 Comments

The Levy Library has added a new evidence-based, nursing database to the collection: Dynamic Health. Dynamic Health is a point-of-care (POC) tool designed to support evidence-based practice (EBP) and clinical decision-making.  Dynamic Health can help nurses and allied health professionals quickly obtain answers clinical questions, review nursing skills, and explore leadership and management topics. Created by nurses for nurses and EBSCO, a leading provider of research databases, Dynamic Health’s robust content enables users to search for information on:

  • Diseases & Conditions
  • Signs & Symptoms
  • Interventions & Treatment
  • Skills/procedural Instructions
  • Drugs (from Davis’s Drug Guide)
  • Labs & Diagnostic Tests
  • Patient Handouts (many in multiple languages)
  • Leadership and Management Topics
  • Earn CE Credits

Dynamic Health offers two ways to search: by term or by category. To search a term, simply type the term into the search box (such as a disease, symptom, procedure, drug, etc.)  Dynamic Health will offer auto-complete options. (The ‘Go To option displays topics on the term. And below it, the ‘Search For’ option offers broader results.) (Figure 1).   On the search results page, users will have the option to further narrow the topic with filters for interventions, prevention, skills, tests, images, videos, patient handouts, leadership, and others.    

Figure 1.  Type a term into the search box to search a term.                         

Another way to search is by topic category.  Dynamic Health provides the option for users to search within a category such as: Diseases/Conditions; Signs/Symptoms; Tests/Labs; Interventions; Skills; Drugs; Patient Handouts; Leadership. To search within a category, click on one of the categories listed at the top of the Dynamic Health landing page. (Figure 2.)

Figure 2.  Search a topic using category option.

 It’s easy to find the information you need to support clinical practice, skills, and management topics. A tutorial video can be found here.  Additional searching information is in the User’s Guide

To begin earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs), create a Dynamic Health account at the top, right of the landing page. Dynamic Health makes it easy to earn CE credits every time you use the database! 

And of course, there’s a Mobile App.  App instructions can be found on the Levy Library’s Databases A-Z list, under Dynamic Health. 

Access Dynamic Health on the Levy Library under Databases  

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