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Dissertations and Theses: Graduate School Submission

Minor Revisions

I received an email indicating minor revisions are needed to my thesis/dissertation.  What does that mean?

Minor revisions typically indicates that there are formatting issues which need to be addressed so that your submission conforms to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) formatting requirements.  Please review the formatting requirements or contact your program directly.


There are important copyright considerations if you are using content from your own articles in your ETD (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Here are some resources to help answer your questions.

Copyright Considerations for Graduate Researchers - Center for Open Scholarship, Duke University Libraries

Open Access FAQ - website from the University Libraries, University of Washington.

Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation

Graduating Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai students are required to submit the approved final version of their electronic theses or dissertations (ETDs) via a self-service online submission tool called ProQuest. This tool enables you to upload your final document as a PDF file and pay any of the optional fees by credit card.

Before you proceed to submission, check all departmental formatting and copyright instructions found on this site. Any discrepancies will result in a delay in both processing your submission and potential graduation.

Click here to register for an account and begin submission.

Formatting Requirements and Sample Documents

Formatting requirements, deadlines and sample documents are accessible using the links below:

ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Platform Usage Questions