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Rebecca Snyder teaches "Academic Integrity and Reference Management"

by Angelyn Thornton on 2017-11-29T10:45:07-05:00 | 0 Comments


On Tuesday, November 28th, librarian Rebecca Snyder taught "Academic Integrity and Reference Management," the most recent  in the Scientific Writing and Publishing series. As the title suggests, this class covered the basics in maintaining integrity within academic writing and best practices for using reference and citations tools. 


Rebecca Snyder


Strategies used to ensure that academic integrity is upheld in writing include proper citing, quoting (and punctuation), and paraphrasing. Citations are extremely important when borrowing text from another source. In fact, writers need to be cautious not to omit citations for their own works (known as self-plagiarization). Through the writing process, one of the best things you can do is to develop your own habits and understanding of best practices. 


Rebecca Snyder


Reference management tools help writers and researchers organize their citations and references for quick access and recall. Use of reference management make it easier to stay within the bounds of responsible scholarship. Such tools include EndNote (the most widely used in academic communities), Mendeley, and Zotero.

Congratulations to Rebecca for a great class!

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